Operator Research

Custom-designed studies that will provide actionable data and insights to boost your bottom line.

Operator Research

Technomic’s team of research experts will design the right methodology to deliver the data and insights you need to better understand operator attitudes and sourcing practices. Through on-site field work, traditional and online surveys, in-depth interviews and supporting syndicated analytics, we will help guide you through your business challenges.

Operator Community Panel

Industry Influencer

Technomic’s Industry Influencer panel is comprised of a dedicated group of foodservice decision-makers across independent and chain restaurants as well as select noncommercial segments. Engage the panel for in-depth AAU, concept testing, brand equity assessments and more.

Brand Evaluations

Identify, prioritize and understand the key factors that drive operator brand decisions within specific categories and assess the best areas to leverage and improve.

Market Effectiveness Testing

Understand the effectiveness of existing marketing programs and pre-test potential programs and ads for messaging and positioning effectiveness.

Innovation/Product Feasibility

Obtain operator feedback on new concept ideas, products and services from ideation through product launch using on-line concept testing, IDI sampling and in-field testing approaches.

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Industry Reports

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