Breakfast sales grew for the first time since 2019, according to new Technomic study 

New report also examines latest opportunities and challenges faced by operators offering the morning daypart, as well as consumers’ evolving breakfast preferences

CHICAGO, March 18, 2024—Technomic’s latest Breakfast Multi Client Study offers an in-depth analysis of this increasingly popular daypart, spotlighting the opportunities that exist for operators, manufacturers and distributors. Compared to 2021, not only are more operators offering breakfast and brunch, but more consumers report that they have increased their frequency of purchasing breakfast away from home. Plus, foodservice breakfast sales are up in this same time period. However, the daypart isn’t without its challenges, as increasing prices and labor shortages continue to impact the industry. 

“In 2023, breakfast foodservice sales surpassed 2019 sales for the first time,” said Wade Hanson, senior principal at Technomic. “Looking ahead, breakfast foodservice sales are poised to remain on a growth trajectory, while operators will adapt menus to address continued challenges, such as labor shortages and rising costs.” 

Key findings include: 

  • Foodservice breakfast sales were $117.9 billion in 2021, up from $114.3 billion in 2019 
  • 81% of operators offering breakfast consider the daypart to be a good opportunity for innovation 
  • Most operators expect to implement a 6% to 10% increase in menu prices in 2024  
  • Consumers want to see moderate innovation on breakfast menus, such as small twists on familiar morning foods and beverages 

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Technomic Inc., an Informa company, was founded as a management consulting firm in 1966. Since then, Technomic’s services have grown to encompass cloud-based B2B research tools, consumer and menu trend tracking and other leading strategic research and analytic capabilities, to prioritize and size business opportunities. Our clients include food manufacturers and distributors, restaurants, retailers and multiple other business verticals aligned with the food industry that are looking to make informed decisions to support their business growth. Visit Technomic at

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